Stock Photographs
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Stock images and stories from around the world
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31 imagesAiguamolls de l'Emporda, Catalonia - wetlands natural park beside the Mediterranean, home to storks, flamingos and many other birds and animals.
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82 imagesStock images of Alaska wildlife and nature, and some of the odder human imprints on the landscape.
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35 imagesOn December 15 2008, authorities at the Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo, Japan, closed the tuna auction to visitors for a month, citing safety and health reasons. Authorities said that tourists were getting in the way of workers and touching the fish. Guards are to be placed at entrances to keep visitors away. The morning I visited, whale meat from endangered fin whales imported from Iceland to Japan was on sale.
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24 imagesArchaeological remains of ancient Greek city of Falasarna or Phalasarna, near Kissmos Kastelli in Crete, Greece which dates to between the 3rd and 4th century BC. Apparently damaged by an earthquake in 365 AD, it was the harbour for nearby the nearby stronghold of Polyrrhenia. The ruins are open for the public to wander around and are near the beautiful Falassarna beach
36 imagesSheep at the ancient Hellenic city of Polyrrinia, Crete. The place name means "many sheep" and it was the most fortified city in ancient Crete.
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87 imagesStock photographs of Ny Alesund Scientific Research Base at Kings Bay, or Kongsfjord, Svalbard. For editorial and prints - please contact me.
442 imagesPhotographs of Ny Alesund, Svalbard, Spitsbergen, Longyearbyen and Arctic nature and Icebergs
13 imagesArctic terns migrate farther than any other species of any known animal - up to 70,000km to Antarctica and back to the Arctic every year, or about 2.4 million kilometres during their lifetime—the same as three return voyages to the moon. Arctic terns demonstrate that everything on Earth truly is connected.
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17 imagesAuks, Puffins, Guillemots and Murres - the penguins of the Arctic!
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25 imagesStock images of Balos Beach, in Crete. Balos Bay is a famous landmark in northwest Crete. Accessible only by a 10km dirt road or by boat, it's turquoise waters attract tourists from around the world. The beach, however, is marred by tarballs and plastic flotsam - product of Mediterranean and the millions of plastic drink bottles dumped into the global environment ever year.
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11 imagesA morning walk, marking out the path taken along Dublin's Dorset St. by Leopold Bloom in the Calypso chapter of James Joyce's novel Ulysses.
9 imagesBluebells in April, in the Hallebos, or Bois de Hal, Belgium.
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17 images10,000 people attend #JeSuisCharlie March in Brussels, bringing together different cultures and religions following the attack on the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazines offices in Paris and the subsequent hostage taking at a Jewish shop. Brussels, a multicultural city, and Europe’s comics capital, has suffered its one sectarian attacks in current times, when four people were shot and killed at the city's Jewish museum in May 2014.
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40 imagesPlatja de Les Casetes del Garraf, Garraf, Barcelona, Catalonia. These distinctive small green and white beach houses are in the beach village of Garraf, not from Barcelona. They re listed under the Patrimonio Cultural Catala. No one is sure how they came about - small houses for beachgoers or fishermens huts - either way, they were established in the early 20th century.
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28 images11th century monastery in the Cingles del Berti mountains, near Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
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12 imagesDaylesford Spa Country Railway, Daylesford, Victoria, Australia is a volunteer-operated tourist railway operating on the dismantled Daylesford line.
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6 imagesConcret Dragons Teeth, or Drachenzähne, remains of the World War 2 German Siegfriend Line, near the village of Schmithof, Aaachen, Germany
23 imagesThe tiny 10th century church of Agios Stefanos, in the town of Drakona, Chania prefecture, Crete, is decorated with beautiful but decaying frescoes
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115 imagesStock images of Dublin landmarks, such as the 02, Liberty Hall, Bram Stoker's house, IFSC, statues of James Joyce, Oscar Wilde and lots more.
27 imagesDuna Da Cresmina, sand dunes, Cascais, Lisbon, Portugal, part of the Guincho-Cresmina dune system.
29 imagesBeautiful Elafonisi, or Elofonissi beach in southwestern Crete, at sunset. One of the most famous Greek beaches, its turquoise blue waters and white sand attract many tourists during the summer season.
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17 imagesOn April 1st, 2009, the Dublin Festival of Fools was revived after a 10 year hiatus. These pictures show the Walking Tour of Places of No Historical Interest which departed the Millennium Spire at 1800 hrs and took and absurd twist around Dublin City Centre. The Festival of Fools is also a revival of the Medieval Festival of Fools, as well as being a celebration of the 43rd anniversary of the death of Irish author and humourist Flann O'Brien AKA Myles na Gopaleen.
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505 imagesImages from around the Pyrenees Orientales between France and Spain.
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31 imagesGannet colony images from the Saltee Islands, Ireland, and from Muriwai Beach, New Zealand. Morus serrator, Sula bassana, Morus bassanus
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4 imagesHans Island, a tiny disputed island between Greenland and Canada, situated in the Kennedy Channel of Nares Strait, between Greenland and Ellesmere Island. Hans Island has been the centre of an ongoing, and often surreal territorial dispute between Canda and Denmark, with various officials from both nations taking turns to plant flags on the island. In April 2012, it was announced that the two nations would sign an agreement to split the little 1.3 sq km island in two. The island is named after Hans Hendrik AKA Heindrich, a famous Greenlandic explorer who was also known as Suersaq.
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16 imagesStock Photographs of the Dutch countryside and the towns of the Netherlands, including tulip fields.
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255 imagesThe Wild Atlantic Way coastal touring route spanning seven of Ireland's counties along the Atlantic west coast. Passing through Donegal, Sligo, Mayo Galway, Clare, Kerry and Cork, the route explorer incredible scenery and unpredictable weather!
17 imagesStock photographs of Bank of Ireland, Allied Irish Bank, Anglo Irish Bank in Dublin, Ireland, following the Irish property downturn, forcing some government recapitalisation and nationalisation of Irish banks.
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67 imagesIrish animals: red deer, seals, herons, ravens, hares and more from Ireland by Dave Walsh
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8 imagesRed Deer stag and harem, Cervus elaphus, in Killarney National Park, Kerry, Ireland, during the annual rutting season. Native to Ireland since the last ice age, the red deer population dwindled to around 60 at the turn of the 20th century, but thanks to protection and management now number in the hundreds. During the rutting season, the stags gather around 5 hinds into a harem, and give out a loud, deep roar to challenge or ward off other males. Inexplicably, the red deer hinds are still hunted in Ireland, although it's illegal to hunt the stags in Kerry.
32 imagesJames Joyce, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde, Patrick Kavanagh, Brendan Behan, Bram Stoker, Oliver Goldsmith,Edmund Burke
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18 imagesSeoul, South Korea - a centre of Seon Buddhism in an urban setting, inside the original city walls
13 imagesKnights Hospitaller Fortified Church, Templetown, near Fethard-on-Sea, The Hook Peninsula, Wexford. The land here first was given to the monastic soldiers of the Knights Templar by Henry II, but when they were suppressed in 1307, the land was given to the Knights Hospitaller - who arrived with the Norman Strongbow, and later built this small place of worship.
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78 imagesLa Pedrera - Casa Mila, Barcelona by Catalan Architect Antonio Gaudi
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102 imagesStock Photographs: Urban Images of the central business district and suburbs of Melbourne, Australia
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23 imagesStock photographs of the graves of Serge Gainsbourg, Jean Paul Satre, Simone de Beauvoir, Samuel Beckett and Charles Baudelaire at Montparnasse Cemetery in Paris, France.
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123 imagesHolland stock images - Amsterdam, Utrecht, Keukenhof, The Hague and more.
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32 imagesStock Photographs of the capital of Greenland, Nuuk, or Godthab, as it was previously known.
10 imagesThe Occupy Amsterdam demonstration outside the Amsterdam Stock Exchange at Beursplein, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This is one of many 'occupy' protests fallowing the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York, against economic inequality.
15 imagesIt has taken not much more than half a century to turn the Gulf of Mexico into an Urban Ocean, dotted with 27,000 abandoned wells, and nearly 4,000 active platforms, interconnected by an incredible 40,000km of pipelines. Some of these images show Transocean Development Driller rigs at the Deepwater Horizon disaster Site. Photographs made on board the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, September 2010.
8 imagesOresund Bridge, which connects Denmark and Sweden across the Öresund strait.
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20 imagesOostende, a coastal city and holidays destination in West Flanders, Belgium.
22 imagesThe medieval town of Pals, in Baix Emporda, Catalonia, Spain. La ciutat medieval de Pals, al Baix Empordà, Catalunya, Espanya.La ville médiévale de Pals, dans le Baix Emporda, Catalogne, Espagne. La ciudad medieval de Pals, en el Baix Emporda, Cataluña, España.
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46 imagesParc Guell, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. A public park design by famed Catalan architect Antoni Gaudim featuring gardens and architectural curiosities.
8 imagesThe gruelling Paris Roubaix professional cycling race classic, won in 2012 by Belgian Tom Boonen - for the fourth time. The 256.5km race runs from Compiègne, near Paris, to Roubaix, northern France, crossing 51.5km of pavé - ancient cobblestones, along the way.
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18 imagesBalos Bay is a famous landmark in northwest Crete. Accessible only by a 10km dirt road or by boat, it's turquoise waters attract tourists from around the world. The beach, however, is marred by tarballs and plastic flotsam - product of Mediterranean and the millions of plastic drink bottles dumped into the global environment every year.
11 imagesPolar Bears, photographed on the Lincoln Sea and in Kane Basin, north western Greenland, in June and August 2009, from on board the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, part of a three-month expedition to examine the effects of climate change in the Arctic.
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39 imagesTwo experimental solar installations in the Pyrenees, France. Run by the Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), PROcedes Materiaux et Energie Solaire (PROMES), using the Four Solaire solar furnace at Odeillo, is used for researching into solar power storage, nanotechnology and other work. THEMIS, in the nearby town of Targassonne, is a solar power plant, which was mothballed for two decades is now the site of PEGASE, to test the use of a solar heated gas turbine for making electricity.
11 imagesAntigovernment Protest camp in Placa de Catalunya, Barcelona
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21 imagesStock photographs of the Samuel Beckett Bridge over the Liffey River at night and during the daytime, in Dublin Ireland. Constructed by Graham Hollandia Joint Venture, and designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. The bridge is 120 metres long and 48 metres high and weighs 5,700 tonnes.
135 imagesStock photographs from Sant Cugat del Valles, Barcelona, Catalunya.
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63 imagesThe awe-inspiring Serra del Cadí mountain range, Catalonia. These 500-metre high cliffs, that reach altitudes of over 2000m.
37 imagesPollution from passenger ships burning heavy fuel oil or diesel. Poor air quality in ports, due to the burning of fossil fuels is linked to health issues such as asthma, respiratory and cardiovascular disease, and premature death. The air on the deck of passenger ships can be as bad as in the most polluted cities on Earth. In terms of climate change, global shipping accounts for around 3% of global emissions - about the same as the country of Germany.
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12 imagesThe racially controversial arrival of Sinterklass in the Netherlands and Belgium, with his blackfaced helper, zwarte Piet.
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26 imagesThe clifftop village of Siurana, in the municipality of the Cornudella de Montsant in the comarca of Priorat, Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain. It was reportedly the last Muslim enclave to fall to the Christians in Catalonia.
6 imagesSki Stations in France closed, Christmas 2020 due to Coronavirus pandemic
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59 imagesThe Sonian Forest, Foret de Soignes, or Zoniënwoud, an 11,000 hectare woodland to the southeast of Brussels, Belgium providing a "green lung" for the polluted, traffic choked city. The forest is currently in three jurisdictions, Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia, but EU involvement in 2013 will see development of plans to re-unify the forest, for the benefit of humans and wildlife.
10 imagesFrog, Grenouille rousse - Pyreneen Frogs, Grenouille des Pyrénées, spawning in a steam beside Lake Matemale - Lac de Matemale - at an altitude of 1500m, near Les Angles and Matemale, Capcir, Pyrenees Orientales
22 imagesSt. Brigid's Well, holy shrine near Liscannor the Cliffs of Moher in Co. Clare, Ireland.
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19 imagesNestled in the mountains above Svalbard's airport at Longyearbyen on the island of Spitsbergen, the Global Seed Vault is a repository of millions of seeds from genebanks around the world. Known as the Doomsday Vault in the media, the respository was placed in Svalbard, for security and safety reasons - the permafrost keeps the installation cool, and there's low tectonic activity.
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38 imagesFebruary 2008: The annual Summer Party at Florentine Rain Forest in Tasmania, where logging of virgin rainforest has put the environment under threat.
42 imagesFollowing on from some photographs I shot in 2008, I returned to Tasmania in November 2009, and went into the field with scientists who are working on conserving Tasmanian Devils, in light of the spread of a contagious cancer, known as Devil Facial Tumour Disease which decimating the population in many parts of the island. Full Collection can be viewed here: For more information: (I am not involved in this site)
62 imagesFollowing on from some photographs I shot in 2008, I returned to Tasmanian in November 2009, and went into the field with scientists who are working on conserving Tasmanian Devils, in light of the spread of a contagious cancer, known as Devil Facial Tumour Disease which decimating the population in many parts of the island. For more information: (I am not involved in this site)
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21 imagesClimate change, Co2 pollution and global warming threaten our planet. These images draw together some of the factors and signifiers of the impending crisis.
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18 imagesThe Hook Lighthouse, Wexford, Ireland, one of the world's oldest lighthouses, which has been in operation since it was constructed in the 12th century.
84 imagesThe Saltee Islands, situated off the south coast of Co. Wexford, Ireland, are a haven for seabirds and other wildlife. Their simple, low-slung landscapes, four or five kilometres of the Wexford fishing village of Kilmore Quay belie their layers of history, folklore and bizarre stories. On approach, there are few warnings of the extent of the islands' abundant wildlife, but more than 220 species of birds live, nest, or migrate through the Saltees, including gannets, fulmars, kittiwakes, puffins, shearwaters, razorbills and guillemots, all completely unfussed by human visitors. Curious grey seals eat fish scraps from the hands of fishermen, and stalk daytrippers who walk the cliffs - their big doe eyes staring up plaintively from the azure waters below. Nothing is ordinary here. So I didn't write anything ordinary. The Saltees have their own Prince, Michael the First, now succeeded by his son - Michael the Second. An extraordinary man, Michael Neal - brought up on the nearby mainland, he bought the land here in the 1940s, and declared himself ruler in answer to a vow he made to his mother around 1920. After a protracted bureaucratic battle with the authorities, Prince Michael was left alone to rule.
10 imagesThe world's oldest olive tree, in the village of Ana Vouves, thought to be between 2000-3000 years old. The trunk has a perimeter of 12.5 m and a diameter of 4.6 m
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49 imagesThe Train Jaune, Yellow Train, Canari, or Ligne de Cerdagne, crosses the Route National 116 road. The train negotiates a 63km long railway from Villefranche-de-Conflent to Latour-de-Carol, rising from 427m to 1,593m at Bolquère-Eyne, the highest railway station in France. In early 2015 the future of the line was uncertain, with SNCF and the French government considering either to close the line, or to privatise it for tourism use.
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4 imagesAntarctic killer whale: Type - B - the kind of orcas that hunt and eat Weddell seals. Ross Sea, February 23 2007
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48 imagesPhotographs from the beautiful West Cork, in Southwest Ireland. Landscapes, nature and stock images of the area, including Glengarriff and Cape Clear.
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19 imagesWinter snow near Baraque Michel, in Belgium's Ardennes, near the German border. Neige d'hiver près de la Baraque Michel, dans les Ardennes en Belgique, près de la frontière allemande. Winter sneeuw in de buurt Baraque Michel, in België de Ardennen, vlakbij de Duitse grens. (c) 2012 Dave Walsh - Contact me for usage.
43 imagesThe World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) is an international clothing-optional bike ride in which participants plan, meet and ride together en masse on human-powered transport to "deliver a vision of a cleaner, safer, body-positive world."
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3 imagesRussian Z Graffiti on walls near the Cathedral of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain 17 September 2022 - where it had remained for several days. A Ukrainian refugee centre was also marked with the symbol. The Z is used as a Russian military symbol during the invasion of Ukraine, and has since become a symbol used in Russian propaganda to promote Russian domestic support of the war. According to the Russian Ministry of Defence it signifies “for victory” (za pobedu).