Polar Expeditions
20 galleries
The changing Arctic and Antarctic environment: icebergs, oceans wildlife, and humans.
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25 imagesThe Cold Edge brings together photographs drawn from my trips to the Arctic and Antarctic. I believe they emanate a sense of uncertain beauty, fragile yet fierce, from a liminal zone where we face the fear of straying further – not only physically, but metaphorically sense. But rather than warning people away from the polar regions, I want us to embrace them as part of our world. This does not necessarily mean travelling there, but integrating them as part of life on our planet, instead of some fetishising them as mythical, exotic places, carefully edited and sterilised for TV audiences. More details: http://davewalshphoto.com/coldedge/
46 imagesThe Cold Edge brings together photographs drawn from my trips to the Arctic and Antarctic. I believe they emanate a sense of uncertain beauty, fragile yet fierce, from a liminal zone where we face the fear of straying further – not only physically, but metaphorically sense. But rather than warning people away from the polar regions, I want us to embrace them as part of our world. This does not necessarily mean travelling there, but integrating them as part of life on our planet, instead of some fetishising them as mythical, exotic places, carefully edited and sterilised for TV audiences. More details: http://blog.davewalshphoto.com/coldedge/
66 imagesPhotographs of polar bears, icebergs and other natural sights in Greenland, Svalbard and the Arctic from June to Septemeber 2009, on board the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise.
41 imagesImages of wildlife and nature from the Arctic island Spitsbergen, in Svalbard. Arctic terns, icebergs, walrus, arctic fox, ivory gulls, blue ice and more.
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30 imagesThe Arctic ecosystem and food chain is not a very wide one, but it is full dramatic, beautiful players: Polar bears, Arctic terns, walrus, Eider Ducks, reindeer, the playful Arctic Fox, humpback whales, and other wildlife and animals.
11 imagesPolar Bears, photographed on the Lincoln Sea and in Kane Basin, north western Greenland, in June and August 2009, from on board the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, part of a three-month expedition to examine the effects of climate change in the Arctic.
37 imagesBarentsburg is a Russian coal mining town in the Norwegian Arctic Archipelego of Svalbard, about 1300km from the North Pole. Once home to about 2000 miners and their families, less than 500 people now live here. I spent 97 minutes in Barentsburg in July 2010 - and this is what I photographed. Blog: http://davewalshphoto.com/2011/02/14/97-minutes-barentsburg/
18 imagesImages of Greenland and Ellesmere Island showing Fata Morgana mirages - optical phenomena caused by temperature inversions.
21 imageson June 21st, 2009, Greenland moved from a status of 'home rule' to 'self-governance. Greenland, rather than Denmark, will control the police and courts while the official language will become Greenlandic. The handover ceremony was attended by Queen Margarethe II of Denmark and other members of the Danish Royal Family, as well as the president of Iceland and other Nordic politicians.
19 imagesNestled in the mountains above Svalbard's airport at Longyearbyen on the island of Spitsbergen, the Global Seed Vault is a repository of millions of seeds from genebanks around the world. Known as the Doomsday Vault in the media, the respository was placed in Svalbard, for security and safety reasons - the permafrost keeps the installation cool, and there's low tectonic activity.
14 imagesMushamna - Mouse Harbour. A remote trapper's hut, in the far, far north of Svalbard, where Polar Bears and the weather together dictate the agenda.
18 imagesThis is a portfolio of images profiled by Millennium Images in December 2011 under the title "The Cold Edge" http://www.milim.com/work.php?&id=185
71 imagesDave Walsh's photographs, available as limited edition prints, of icebergs and glaciers in Greenland, the Arctic and Antarctic.
12 imagesSeries made of forests - including protected old-growth forests, in Lapland, Finland, December 2011.
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21 imagesExhibition with two openings! April 23, 2013, at Belgian Senate and Parliament building in Brussels, organised by Greenpeace Belgium. Then, on October 1, 2013, organised by the Ville de Bruxelles and Greenpeace Belgium Arctic: Another World? opened at the Bibliotheque de Laeken, in Brussels.
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